Wednesday, February 13, 2008

my first horrer film

I watched my first horrer film the other day. I watched "SIGNS" *shiver* it was scary. This is how I was alot of the movie.
Only I was sitting down... with a window behind my head... at night. *shiver*


Ben said...

dude, that movie wasn't even scary, I was laughing all through it.
oh well, nice pic, go zoggle-dude...

i;m sure the next zoggle pic will have some smoke gas shoot out of a spike in his wrist...:P

L. D. Torres said...

dude, i love how zoggle's face is peering through his martian fingers, great expression! keep posting!

mattymash said...

He's not a martion. He's from the planet Venigora. Didn't you see the flag he was holding in that other pic?