Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey guys, guess what. I'm moving tomorrow. Ya it seems weird that we're moving again. I've moved so manny times in my life, but every time seems so differant than normal life. Oh and guess what, Colin crashed his car into a tree. I feel so bad for him. Well that's about all I have to say, goodbye. =^


Colin said...

W00t! New house, dude! New trees to test my super-strength on! :D

Ben said...

Haha, Colin, ahh man, I shouldn't laugh. But after it is all said and done, it is sort of funny... Then there's that thing called money that is necessary for stuff like that, which makes it not funny anymore.

and yet....


Colin said...

my super-strength disregards such petty things as money..... :P

mattymash said...

Ha, you funny Colin. You crack me funny.